In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, Linux has stood the test of time, proving to be an invaluable asset in the realm of DevOps. As the world gravitates more towards automation, integration, and seamless workflow in software development and IT operations, Linux's flexibility, robustness, and open-source nature make it a cornerstone in the DevOps toolkit.
Linux Administrator Commands
useradd -m user_name - creates a user and also creates a directory for it.
passed user_name - to set the password of user
su user_name - switch user to user_name
apt-get update - Only the index versions of packages are updated not the actual packages
apt-get upgrade - Actual Package and their versions are updated
groupadd grp_name - Creates a group
usermod -aG grp_name user_name - adds the user to the group
gpasswd -M user1 user2 user3 - group_name - to add multiple users to a group
chmod permission_numbers file_name - change file permissions
chgrp group_name file - Change a group of file
chown user_file - Change the owner of the file
lsb release -a - to fund the distribution versions of Ubuntu
apt-get install package_name - to add a new package to the group
apr remove package -delete a particular package
systemctl status service_name - Check status of a service
systemctl start service_name - To start a service
systemctl stop service_name - To stop a service
systemctl restart service_name - To Restart a service
systemctl enable service_name - enable automatically starts when system is rebooted
File Permissions in Linux
File permission consists of 4 parts where the first character is either a d or a -, where d represents directory and - represents file.
The Next 3 pairs of each 3 characters denote the read,write and execute permissions for user,group and others. Ex: rw-r--r--, tells user has read,write access and group and others have only read access.
Linux's role in DevOps is undeniable. Its open-source nature, stability, security, and support for essential DevOps practices make it the operating system of choice for developers and IT professionals alike. As businesses continue to seek efficiency, agility, and better integration between development and operations, Linux will undoubtedly remain at the forefront of this transformative movement.
In Conclusion, these are some of the System Administrator Commands, A More advanced fundamental is Shell Scripting that takes care of everyday activity of a Linux Administrator.